BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Online Webinar - Safeguarding in Hearing Health Care UID:6 DESCRIPTION:NATIONAL SAFEGUARDING ADULTS WEEK!\n\nNext week is National Safeguarding Adults Week - 20th-24th November 2023.\n\nIn line with the updated The Health and Care Professions Council - HCPC Standards of Proficiency in September 2023, the emphasis has shifted from 'having an awareness of safeguarding' to 'proactively looking for signs of abuse or risk to life.' This change holds great importance for all professions, including hearing health care.\n\nThis session will provide valuable insights into the broader topic of safeguarding, covering areas such as proactively identifying signs of abuse or risk to life, navigating difficult conversations, understanding your professional obligations, and knowing when and how to take action. The goal is to empower you to provide assistance to those in need, whether they are patients, colleagues, or friends.\n\nIt is essential to open our minds to the challenges some individuals may face, such as ensuring access to meals, meeting medication needs, providing support, addressing fears, and managing physical and mental struggles.\n\nSafeguarding is an ongoing responsibility that requires our attention and proactive efforts. We encourage you to participate in this webinar to enhance your knowledge and skills in safeguarding and contributing to the well-being of the individuals we care for.\n\nAs part of continued professional development, we recommend participating in this webinar on "Safeguarding in Hearing Health Care". Open to all BSHAA members and will be held by Darren Clancy, Audiologist, and Andi Follett, Customer Services Manager and Designated Safeguarding Lead.\n\n DTSTART:20231122T190000Z DTEND:20231122T200000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR